We hope that all you Hoyas had a revitalizing Passover (shoutout to all my Jewish friends in the yay area) and Easter break; Scott ventured back to the untamed woodlands of New Jersey whilst I played countless hours of frisbee golf and pokémon at Georgetown. We both enjoyed taking a break from Leo's food, and were two of only 10 brave souls on the Catholic Justice ultimate frisbee team to capture
2nd place in the Colonial Conference! #300-esque ratio of warriors to ass-kicking
Onto the good stuff, this week's simple pleasure gives insight into many students' go-to quick eating station: the Bistro. The hallowed grounds of unlimited pizza and other grilled/roasted entrées, the Bistro is a time-sensitive station that lets you and the entire Georgetown football team carboload in a matter of seconds. Here are our picks for the most delectable--and unsatisfactory--dishes that the Bistro offers.
-Barbecue Chicken Pizza: this pizza is garnished with just the right amount of chicken pieces, combined with an exquisite tangy bbq sauce and an underwhelming yet robust amount of garnish. A must-have for those who have realized that a bbq chicken MYOP is not the way to go (give it up already!).
-White Pizza: a surprisingly quaint and delicious pizza, this pie is made simply with dough, cheese, and olive oil. It may come out a little greasy, which is why patting it down with a napkin before diving in might not be a bad idea. The white pizza lends itself to being topped with your preference of oregano, parmesan cheese, and/or crushed chili flakes.
-Grilled chicken: this protein-packed staple is rather succulent by itself, but the true magic of the grilled chicken lies in its versatility. It can be used on many MYOP dishes, or as per the previous post,
a meat add-in for pasta.
-Grilled Vegetable Medley: This delightful combination of grilled carrots and onions is the perfect compliment to the Bistro's heavier dishes. Far preferred to the spinach (see below), these veggies are cooked just right and pack a surprising amount of flavor. Cmon, who doesn't like grilled onions? Admittedly, it's not great date food, but if you're having a date at Leo's then you have bigger problems to address...
Stay away:
-Meat lovers pizza: although we appreciate the concept of the meat lovers, the overwhelming combination of sausage and pepperoni simply doesn't cut it. The sausage is perhaps the least complimentary to the pizza, adding unnecessary girth to an already heavy pizza. If you thought dabbing the white pizza was a good idea, you'll need a role of Bounty triple-ply to get through this one.
-Spinach: We like to think that spinach has gained a bad rap as America's least favorite green along with brussel sprouts, but the Bistro's rendition definitely doesn't do the vegetable justice. Often overcooked and soggy in its own juices, we recommend going for a salad at the Deli station and holding out until the grilled vegetable medley makes an appearance.