
Hello, and thank you for visiting O'Donovan's On The Waterfront.
Ever wish Leo's served more exciting dishes? Ever see someone cook a delicious-looking pizza or mix an oddly-colored drink and wish you knew what it was? Or are you just confused about what makes a tasty make-your-own-pasta combination? Welcome to O'Donovan's On The Waterfront, a blog for students by students that aims to spread knowledge of creative dishes in our very own Leo J. O'Donovan dining hall.

The purpose of this blog is simple: Georgetown students have a lot of ways to make our dining hall experience more tolerable--perhaps outright enjoyable. We have a few ideas of our own, we know our friends have ideas, and we want to gather them all in one place for the betterment of Hoyas one and all.

This blog is not intended to berate the efforts of the Leo's staff, nor to say that Leo's can always measure up to a home-cooked meal. We believe that there can be a happy medium; Leo's does give us room to be creative, and it is up to the fine minds of the Georgetown student body to figure out ways to keep our dining experience exciting with the options we have already been given.

We do not claim to be the most knowledgeable about Leo's, so please help us out by contributing your very own ideas. If you have comments about our existing recipes, please feel free comment on the post with your suggestions or experiences. If you happen to have an entirely new "O'Donnovation," please visit our Contribute page. Hopefully we can test your ideas and you'll see them up here soon!
We are always eager to learn about new ways to look at Leo's options. As the blog grows we'll find new ways to organize, categorize,  and include pictures, so please bear with us and check back frequently for updates throughout the week.

College dining hall food has long held a reputation of unsavory options and catalysts of the freshman fifteen, but the age of revolution is nigh upon us. It's time to stop complaining and start getting creative.  It's time to see our student dining hall as more than just a student dining hall: a gourmet experience. Call it Chez Leo. Leo's BBQ. Café O'Donovan. Leo J's Bar and Grille. Or, our personal favorite, O'Donovan's On The Waterfront...