John's personal favorite, this make-your-own-pizza (MYOP) was subconsciously inspired by the now defunct Subway sandwich. Properly made, this pizza is quite dense, and thus not intended for the carb-conscious or light of appetite. Double crust pizza method highly recommended!
1 MYOP crust
1 ladle of pizza sauce
Shredded cheese
Spinach from the salad bar
1 chicken breast from the Bistro (substitute for MYOP station chicken if needed)
2 pieces of bacon from the Grill (write in the margins of the order sheet)
Ranch dressing from the salad bar
First place your bacon order at the Grill; it will take a few minutes, and in the meantime you can prep the rest of the pizza. Then go to the Bistro and get one large chicken breast; chop it into bite-sized pieces (if the Bistro does not have chicken that day the MYOP station chicken will have to do, but it is not nearly as good). On the same plate gather some spinach (get more than you think will suffice; it shrinks considerably after being cooked). By now your bacon should be done, so grab it from the Grill and break it into small pieces as well.
At the MYOP station, place the MYOP crust on a metal cooking plate. Add a spoonful of pizza sauce on the crust and distribute evenly (a fork works nicely). Add a small amount of shredded cheese to the sauce--more will be added later. Evenly distribute the spinach onto the pizza, followed by the chicken and the bacon. Add desired amount of cheese to the pizza. Finally, add a small and well-spread amount of ranch sauce to the pizza (careful not to overdo it). Give to the cook at the MYOP station and enjoy.
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