Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MYOP Quesadilla

Wow. That is all I could say when this risky creation totally paid off. I've heard of several students trying to make a quesadilla using various methods, but I'm convinced that this is the most effective and versatile method. Keep in mind that the recipe leaves significant room for variation based on your own preferences.

Stipulations: only available at lunch if prepared as follows- other options are definitely viable

1 piece Mexican chicken
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 MYOP crust
Mozzarella cheese
Hot sauce/jalapenos if desired

Start by getting some rice and chicken from the Taco Station (this is why this recipe only works at lunch), then fill out your plate with some shredded cheddar cheese and salsa, plus jalapenos if you desire. Head downstairs and get a MYOP crust and sprinkle it with mozzarella cheese to lightly but completely cover one half. Find yourself a table and cut up the chicken into thin pieces, then spread it and the rice over the cheese. Top with your shredded cheddar and salsa and hot sauce or jalapenos if using them. Return to the MYOP area, sprinkle some more cheese on top, and fold the other half of the pizza over on top. It's difficult to get the crust to stay folded, especially if you've really loaded up on your fillings, but it's very important to crease the fold and press the edges together very firmly. (On a related note, having cheese almost to the edge of the crust without having other toppings on top of it will help the top crust seal to the bottom.) Give the whole creation to the pizza lady and wait for your finished product.

I must say I was very nervous while my quesadilla was in the oven. What if it unfolded? What if the top crust burned? To ease my fears, I grabbed myself a nice Gingerade and piece of barbecue chicken pizza (a nice simple option on Tuesdays). But low and behold, as I looked into the depths of O'Donovan's mysterious pizza kitchen, I saw a wonderfully-browned half circle of deliciousness being removed from the oven. The cheese was wonderfully melted, and I wished I had more time to enjoy this supremely satisfying meal. It was quite filling, and I resented that piece of pizza earlier. This is definitely a worthwhile creation, and it only takes a minute or two longer than a standard MYOP.

-I became extremely worried when there was no Jalapeno Monterrey Jack cheese at the sandwich station and realized i was forced to use mozzarella. However, I was very content with the outcome. Though a little bit meltier than i was expecting, the taste was fine.
-Though I incorporated jalapenos, I would advise against it in the future, and I resorted to taking them out one-by-one. They interrupted the texture of the quesadilla, and it was spicy enough with the salsa. If you want additional kick, I would suggest using the hot sauce by the salad bar.
-Keep in mind that although this particular version requires the Taco bar and is therefore only available at lunch, a modified quesadilla can easily be created for dinner with the only change being to the chicken and salsa (grilled chicken from the bistro at dinner should be fine); there is also shredded cheddar cheese at the salad bar.


  1. You can do the same thing but put it in the panini press. It gets flatter and more quesadilla like.

  2. I agree, I've seen that done too. I realized that I had so much filling in mine that it was almost like a large calzone without the sauce.
