Here they are:

Mr. Blue
Fill 2/3 with Blue Powerade, then top off with Hi-C Pink Lemonade until you achieve this perfect color.
I know this looks odd, but it actually tastes pretty good. Fill halfway with Ginger-ale, then add Unsweetened Iced Tea.

Blue Lemonade:
Mix equal parts of Blue Powerade with regular lemonade. Note how the color layering can vary based on which is first.

Punch Tea:
Fill 1/3 with Hi-C Fruit Punch, then top off with Unsweetened Iced Tea. The fruit punch gives sweetness to the tea.
Purple Drank:
This was created sortof by accident. This is an experiment in chromatography. Start with Blue Lemonade above, then add fruit punch. If you imagine that it tastes like the grape it looks like, then it will. Otherwise, it's just sorta cool.
I've been icing coffee lately and mixing it with Coke (one part coffee, two parts Coke) to make a drink that resembles Coke Blak (2006-2008). It's pretty, pretty good.